Home 5 News 5 Choosing the Right Helicopter Parts Supplier

Choosing the Right Helicopter Parts Supplier

There are several notable benefits that any business can accrue by establishing a long-term relationship with a supplier. This is no different in the aviation industry where the quality, reliability, and service life of helicopter replacement parts is paramount. Any commercial aviation services provider can reap considerable advantages from choosing an established supplier.

An aviation business must thus be able to pick the right supplier from the myriad of helicopter parts suppliers in the market. This article addresses the key attributes of a capable and competent helicopter parts supplier. The benefits discussed here are also useful to those who oversee the military aviation industry.

The right parts supplier for your aviation business should have the capability to offer comprehensive products and service delivery. What follows are detailed descriptions of the capabilities that any reputable parts supplier should have.

Industry Accreditation

The quality of the helicopter replacement parts is the number one priority in the helicopter aviation business. A supplier in the aviation industry must, therefore, meet prerequisite requirements for accreditation by the aviation industry regulatory authorities.

As such, a reputable helicopter supplier should only provide you with FAA-PMA approved parts. This way you are assured that all your replacement parts have undergone rigorous external testing before approval.

Notable Experience

Another critical factor in the helicopter supply business has to do with how long the supplier has been in the industry. Research shows that in most cases, the longer a company has existed, the more capable it becomes in its niche. This time-proven truth also applies to the helicopter parts supply industry.

For example, a long-time supplier of Sikorsky UH 60 Black Hawk parts is bound to have quite some experience selling other Sikorsky spare parts, such as S70 spare parts.

Remember that experience is king, especially when dealing with high-performance military helicopters.

Quality Control

The right helicopter parts supplier should have a separate fully-equipped department dedicated to quality control. This department carries out continuous rigorous testing on samples of all replacement parts that the supplier offers.

Such a helicopter spare parts supplier would thus be able to detect defective components before the parts reach the market.

Quality control on the part of a supplier can be the difference between aviation disaster and an impeccable aviation service history.

Extensive Stock

You can probably relate to the headache of having to seek an alternative supplier for critical components or sensitive parts. Such an endeavor usually comes with additional costs. Sometimes this is a result of inflated and exorbitant prices charged by the availing supplier.

This is why businesses in the aviation sector should seek a helicopter replacement parts supplier with a large and extensive inventory. This way, they are assured that the supplier can promptly supply any helicopter spare part that is needed on time and within budget.

Related Services

An accredited, established, and capable helicopter replacement parts supplier should be able to provide a range of associated services. The actual replacement of worn-out parts from a client’s helicopter is the most basic related service that a supplier should be able to provide. The implication is that the ideal helicopter parts supplier should have the necessary facilities and equipment needed to offer such a service.

Other related services include the ability to perform routine inspections on a client’s aircraft. This way, helicopter parts suppliers can provide value-added services while still offering quality products.

There has been a 38% increase in the number of civilian helicopters operating in the U.S. within the past decade. This has further boosted the need for competent helicopter parts suppliers in the country. The advent of new players in the market has made it harder for businesses in both commercial and military aviation to choose the ideal helicopter parts suppliers. However, this article should make it considerably easier to make the right choice.